Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How information systems are helping the company


3- How information systems are helping the company:

What Is an Information System?

  Information system has to mainly perspectives which it is function and structure.

Firstly, the functional perspective means: recording, storing, and disseminating linguistic expressions as well as for the supporting of inference making, but secondly on the other hand the structural perspective means: collection of people, processes, data, models, technology and partly formalized language which serve the organizational purpose..

  Date is the raw facts which doesn’t mean anything that convert into information by organize it, then it will mean something like value to the receiver, then the Information that has been organized and processed to transmit understanding, experience and expertise are apply to a current problem or activity, each company have different type of data, information and knowledge, also Carrefour Company have their data, information and knowledge.

 How are the information systems reducing time/cost/errors

1-Reduction of administrative costs

Carrefour has many access and ways that they can with it reduce the cost such as, access to the capital needed to invest in technology that will bring cost down, also they have very efficient logistics that the low cost base on labor, material.
They have online shopping with ready cart or home delivery which is help to reduce the cost for example, E-tailing that you can purchase goods/products over net.

2- Reduction of keyboarding time

By using modern technology and systems such as:
·         ERP systems implement by Carrefour backed.
·         Warehouse management system provided by Generix.
·         Technological tools that allow all product to be available and in the best condition like, Info log and scheduler.

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